The Secret Language of Comics: Visual Thinking and Writing

Sketch 3: Visual Note Taking

My visual notes represent information from my MATH 111 class on the basics of mathematical functions. Making these visual notes were pretty interesting as I normally don’t pay too much attention to my organization while taking regular notes yet I found myself challenged to organize each section, image, or idea to a location on the paper where it made sense and wasn’t too difficult to understand. I also found making these notes to be very laid-back and even somewhat enjoyable as I wasn’t restricted in any manner. I tend to think about things in portions/sections, and this shows in my visual notes as different things are sectioned away or together. In my opinion, I think that these visual notes are a great way to review information that you already somewhat know as images tend to stick better than text yet sometimes it is hard to convey all the necessary information in images.

Link back to prompt here.

Visual Notes

This week’s Sunday Sketch represents information from the Brain Basics lecture of my Anthropology 200 class. The assignment allowed me to meditate and reorganize the content in my mind that, at first, seemed daunting. The class is cross listed as an NBB class, which intimidated me in the first few weeks of class but I thought as long as the topic stays on primates and human phylogeny I’d be fine. This lecture about the brain was our first in neurobiology. Taking the time to illustrate my notes and attempt to convey the information in another format felt like another method of studying – one that’s more entertaining rereading bullet points on a notebooks page.

Sawyer Steinmiller: Visual Notes

For this visual note taking assignment, I chose to remake my physics notes. This is because physics is my favorite STEM class and it is my hardest. I have never taken a physics class before and although we are going at a quick pace, the material is extremely interesting. Because we are moving at such a fast pace, my notes tend to be messy; I thought that visualizing my notes would be helpful.

During the process, I learned. a lot about how I process information. Personally, the drawing aspect did not help me that much, but the organizational components were extremely helpful. When I normally make my notes, the important parts of the lesson are the same size as the non important parts, so it is hard to visualize what is important and what is not. Here, it is very simple to know what the lesson revolves around because of how central the themes are. I know that I can’t create these types of notes in the moment, but I might go over the important notes and rewrite after the lesson.

Here is the link to the rubric for the assignment: CLICK HERE!

Aesthetics & Astronomy: Visual Note Taking

Astronomy requires a lot of visual thinking and necessary observations in order to understand the material throughout the course. Creating visual notes for this class was much more helpful than textual notes could have ever been. While drawing these images and formulating my notes, the concepts of the astronomical ideas I am currently learning were much more understandable. I could visualize the theories and laws more clearly and comprehend the meaning of these new ideas with the pictorial applications in my notes.

While drawing these images I realized just how much of a visual learner I am. I do not believe I could have understood the this chapter of my astronomy class if I had not been able to draw out these images and recognize the true applications of these ideas. Not to mention, I thoroughly enjoyed creating these notes. Usually the notes I take in class are not very intricate and not as understandable as I would like for them to be. Creating my visual notes helped me to go over the information that I’ve learned while having fun making art through these foreign ideas. I’m thankful for the prompt that led me to this new way of understanding my course materials which can be found here.

Visual Note-Taking

I made a visual version of my notes on Mendelian Genetics from my Biology class for this week’s Sunday Sketch assignment. I had some difficulty deciding how to structure it, but once I was done, I found that it is easier to review notes taken in visual form than it is to review notes taken in written form. It was also much quicker to draw out Mendel’s experiment with filial generations of pea plants than it was to write out paragraphs explaining the experiment. The only concern I have is that if I study visual notes instead of written notes, I will have trouble explaining the concepts in written form on an exam that requires written answers. With written notes, I can memorize what I’ve written so that I can be sure to explain the concepts with clarity on an exam.

Visual Notes Taking

Visual Notes for Art History

For this week’s Sunday Sketch assignment, I recreated my written notes for an Art History lecture as visual notes.

I started out writing the topic “Ancient Egypt” in the center of the page because all the artworks we learned in class were created during this period. I always struggle with memorizing the chronological order of art periods, so this time, I drew a timeline that laid out major art periods during the Egyptian era so it was easier for me to memorize. Also, I highlighted the “New Kingdom” period in the timeline to indicate the focus of this note.

On top of that, visual notes also made comparisons more straightforward. For example, I couldn’t understand the similarities between the Temple of Hatshepsut and Temple of Mentuhotep II when I looked at my original notes. However, drawing the two temples right next to each other gave me a clearer insight into their similarities, and the same goes for the comparison between Punt and Egyptian culture in the upper right corner of the note.

I personally think that images do a better job of connecting things than texts do. When I was creating my visual notes for The Last Judgement from Book of the Dead, I surprisingly found that images and arrows displayed the separate steps of entering the afterlife in a much more logical way than a bunch of texts could ever achieve. Thus, I no longer have a hard time recalling the exact words from my notes but instead describing the artwork using my own words with the visual image in my mind.

Visual Note Taking

Islam In America Notes

Visual note taking is always something I’ve seen on YouTube yet never tried. It seemed as though it required an immense amount of effortless art, which I couldn’t imitate no matter how hard I tried. Also, during class it can be very hard to focus on what’s being taught and doodling only made that task harder.

This assignment was fun because it allowed me to take something mundane and turn it into art. I also enjoyed this activity because it was low-risk. Often times, when attemping to create a grand art piece, it can become very stressful because one pen stroke could ruin everything. However, with visual note taking, I had the freedom to draw anything that came to my mind because it could be used to remember class content. I can honestly say that I will be able to recall all the notes I drew.

It’s Raining Cookies

Trying to come up with an idea for this Sunday Sketch was a lot harder than I expected. I looked all over my room for inspiration, trying to find small items I could incorporate into my sketch. After failing to find anything, I started looking at what other people submitted in order to get some inspiration. However, I soon found myself just doing variations of what other people did. I realized that I needed to stop looking at what people did and come up with something on my own. After a few more failed ideas, I decided to stop obsessing over the assignment and just go about my day. I was watching football and snacking on some cookies when it hit me. I immediately ran over to my desk and sketched out the image that you see above. The cookie is the top of the umbrella protecting the man from the rain.

Sketch 2: Sunday Sketches

Flower Pick

For this Sunday Sketch, it took me a while to decided what item in my dorm I would use for the sketch. I took a break from looking around the room and played guitar for a bit and then it hit me: I should use my guitar pick as the basis of the drawing. I looked hard at the pick and tried to think of something to make it a part of. I contemplated making it a part of the body of a guitar but I thought that it would be too close to what it actually represents. My next thought went towards something nature related and a flower was the first thing that came to mind. Considering the shape of the pick, I thought that making the pick a petal would be a cool idea so I worked with it.

Trying to decide between so many different objects was interesting because although I had many different choices to work with, none of them seemed to bring forth any ideas. After taking my mind away from the assignment for a few minutes gave me the perfect idea.

Flower Pick

For this Sunday Sketch, it took me a while to decided what item in my dorm I would use for the sketch. I took a break from looking around the room and played guitar for a bit and then it hit me: I should use my guitar pick as the basis of the drawing. I looked hard at the pick and tried to think of something to make it a part of. I contemplated making it a part of the body of a guitar but I thought that it would be too close to what it actually represents. My next thought went towards something nature related and a flower was the first thing that came to mind. Considering the shape of the pick, I thought that making the pick a petal would be a cool idea so I worked with it.

Trying to decide between so many different objects was interesting because although I had many different choices to work with, none of them seemed to bring forth any ideas. After taking my mind away from the assignment for a few minutes gave me the perfect idea.
